The architectural project

signed by nemesi studio


The project for the new functions completing the Tesisquare Master Plan, in the western quadrant of the complex, where Campus A has currently been completed, represents the opportunity to give a completed and coherent form to the design process that began at the end of 2018 with the development of the First Part of the Master Plan up to the recent Executive Design of the New Tesisquare Headquarters and Campus A. The development of this second part of the Master Plan represents the evolution of the Project which, while remaining coherent in its general structure, has gradually been refined in the weaving of relationships between the tertiary functions, the related services and the public space with the green arrangements, which together build the meaning and identity of the Project: a project that is an expression of the idea of community and of the relationship between community and territory. The completion of the Master Plan in this second phase also takes into account the request for a variation to the Roreto-Cherasco PRG, which provides for the moving of the road to the north in the western quadrant of the lot, widening the space available for the organization of the new functions. The new functions integrated into the Master plan include Campus B and C, completing the Technological Campus, and the conference room serving the entire sector (Tesisquare Headquarters and Technological Campus).

Campus B represents the extension of Campus A, allowing to give body and structure to the organizational and volumetric matrix that Campus A organizes, in the idea that it represents the second linear axis of the Master Plan, after the Tesisquare headquarters. Campus B resumes on the west front the rhythmic sequence of the volumes of Campus A, enriched by some new transversal lines that are as if "absorbed" by the diagonals of the general Master Plan, with the function of reconnecting everything in a single interconnected design, while on the east front it represents the extension of the scenic green wall that overlooks the lawn and the relaxation area of the food truck.


Campus C represents the further evolution of the Technological Campus after Campus B, allowing in a later phase, the completion of the construction of a fabric rich and scenic urban area for the Technological Campus, which articulates paths and green spaces in close dialogue with each other.

The green roof of Campus C represents the continuation of the green system that originates to the south in the large green area in front of Campus A.

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