A key figure for the growth of tesisquare®
Lucio Smareglia's career began in 1955, the year in which he graduated in chemistry in Trieste with top marks and immediately began working for large companies in the sector which was experiencing great turmoil at that time (Snia Viscosa, Edison, Gruppo Montedison…).
This activity led him to work abroad, an opportunity in which he had the opportunity to acquire an international vision while at the same time increasing high-profile managerial skills and covering increasingly important and prestigious roles.
The period between 1978 and 1984 proved to be decisive in directing the activities carried out with great success in the following years both for the encounter with the world of Organized Distribution, and with the phenomenon of generalized computerization, which with the advent of personal computers saw a real revolution ridden by the same also as a consequence of a real passion.
These elements have represented the trait d'union with Tesi SpA, which has always been active in Information Technology towards Organized Distribution, so much so that from the initial consultancy in the organizational field, the relationship soon transformed into a real personal friendship with the CEO Giuseppe Pacotto of whom Lucio Smareglia became a mentor.
Lucio Smareglia's curriculum vitae speaks for himself, focusing on the history of Tesi SpA, there is no doubt that the meeting with it must be considered as one of the milestones that have characterized its growth.
It is in perpetual memory, and as a sign of deep gratitude, that Tesi SpA dedicates a room of the Digital Innovation Gate for XXI Century to Dr. Lucio Smareglia who certainly would have shared the idea and spirit that generated it.
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